
Awareness Counselling & Psychotherapy Blog


Unveiling Shame in Psychotherapy

By |2024-05-23|Categories: Oline therapy, Psychotherapy, self help, self relationship|Tags: , , , |

The Transformative Impact of Unveiling Shame in Psychotherapy: Echoing Ann Voskamp's Insight Shame is a deeply ingrained emotion that thrives on secrecy and isolation, making it one of the most challenging emotions to confront and transform. Ann Voskamp's poignant observation, "Shame dies when stories are told in safe places," encapsulates [...]

What is Emotional Maturity?

By |2024-04-02|Categories: Oline therapy, Psychotherapy, self help, self relationship|Tags: , , , |

Emotional maturity is a quality that signifies the growth and development of our emotional intelligence over time. It is characterised by the ability to manage and understand our emotions, as well as the emotions of others, healthily and constructively. Our emotional maturity involves several key aspects: self-awareness, empathy, self-regulation, and [...]

Understanding Emotional and Mental Childhood Wounding

By |2024-01-26|Categories: Oline therapy, Psychotherapy, self help, self relationship|Tags: , , , |

Childhood, ideally, is a time of learning, growth, and joy. However, for most of us, it can also be a period when emotional and mental wounds are inflicted, often unknowingly, by those around us. These wounds shape our adult lives, impacting our relationships, self-esteem, and mental health. In this blog, [...]

Letting go of Control

By |2023-12-30|Categories: Oline therapy, Psychotherapy, self help, self relationship|Tags: , , |

The quest for control in our lives is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it's a natural and often beneficial instinct; we seek to manage our environment and relationships and work to create a sense of security and achievement. However, this pursuit can easily tip into a relentless and stressful [...]


By |2023-11-16|Categories: Motivation, Oline therapy, Psychotherapy, self relationship, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |

Burnout, a state of emotional, physical, and psychological exhaustion caused by prolonged stress, is increasingly common in today's fast-paced world. As a psychotherapist, I've witnessed firsthand the multifaceted impact burnout can have on individuals, affecting their mental health, physical well-being, and overall quality of life. I hear people say "I'm [...]

The Hidden Perils of Phone Addiction

By |2023-10-26|Categories: Oline therapy, Psychotherapy, self relationship, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |

In an era characterised by technological marvels and constant connectivity, it's evident that phone addiction is taking a toll on us, especially our mental health. I see the impact of excessive smartphone use on adults and also on the development of children. In this piece, we will look into the [...]

Navigating the Hidden Paths of Self-Sabotage

By |2023-09-25|Categories: Psychotherapy, self relationship|Tags: , , |

Navigating the Hidden Paths of Self-Sabotage  I have been looking into some of the often-overlooked world of self-sabotage. I've seen the subtle ways it weaves into lives, sometimes unnoticed but always leaving a mark. It's a serious issue, but we can navigate its intricate paths and find solutions. The Unseen [...]

Peeking Behind the Curtain: Why Your Therapist Keeps Some Things Private

By |2023-08-24|Categories: Psychotherapy, self relationship|Tags: , |

Peeking Behind the Curtain: Why Your Therapist Keeps Some Things Private  Have you ever sat across from your therapist and wanted to know more about them? After all, here you are, pouring your heart out, and it's only natural to wonder about the person nodding empathetically on the other side. [...]

Emotional intelligence

By |2023-07-23|Categories: Motivation, self relationship|Tags: |

Our emotions are a powerhouse of intelligence. Emotional Intelligence, or EQ for short, is something that you’ve probably heard about, but do you know what it really means?  Emotional intelligence is like that silent, dependable friend who doesn't steal the limelight but makes life smoother, richer, and far more enjoyable. [...]

Taming the inner critic

By |2023-05-29|Categories: self relationship|Tags: , |

Taming the Inner Critic: Conquering the Dangers Within Have you ever been caught in a relentless cycle of self-doubt, negativity, and self-sabotage? I know I have. Especially in my teens and up to my 30s, there was a constant voice inside my head, tirelessly pointing out my flaws, questioning my [...]

What is motivation fatigue

By |2023-04-22|Categories: Motivation|Tags: |

Sure, I can do that! Motivation is an interesting concept because it's something that everyone wants, but it can be incredibly difficult to maintain. Whether you're trying to stick to a workout routine, finish a project at work, or just stay positive throughout the day, it's not uncommon to feel [...]

Emotional energy and the body

By |2023-03-10|Categories: Body work|Tags: |

How does integrative body psychotherapy help with accessing emotions? Emotions are an inherent part of human life. They influence our thoughts, behaviours, and overall well-being. Emotions are energy in motion, which might sound obvious, but they are felt physically in our bodies. When we experience intense emotions, we often feel [...]

Benefits of online psychotherapy

By |2023-02-17|Categories: Oline therapy|Tags: |

Before Covid, online therapy was something that only a few therapists were offering. However, being forced to conduct therapy this way due to covid restrictions, opened up a realisation of its value. Online psychotherapy, is a relatively new form of psychotherapy that has gained significant attention in recent years. Research [...]

What is happen to us while having a panic attack

By |2023-02-17|Categories: Panic|Tags: |

I am always fascinated with how the body responds to different situations, and panic attacks are a very physical experience. So what happens when we have a panic attack? Panic attacks are sudden and intense surges of fear or discomfort accompanied by physical symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, and trembling. [...]

Seasonal Affective Disorder

By |2023-02-17|Categories: Seasonal Affective Disorder|Tags: , |

I defiantly notice a fundamental change in mood with some clients over the winter months. Along with a possible association with winter or an emotional memory attached to this time of year that a client may be experiencing, something else can also happen. A Seasonal affective disorder! Seasonal affective disorder [...]

Unexpressed Anger

By |2023-02-17|Categories: Anger|Tags: |

Anger is a powerful emotion triggered by various factors, such as frustration, disappointment, and injustice. While it is often seen as harmful and destructive, anger can also be a healthy and necessary response to certain situations. However, when people do not express their anger healthily, it can negatively affect their [...]

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